A flex call to a rpc service operation sends a soap message specifying the operation and wrapping its respective arguments 对于一个rpc服务操作的flex调用,它会发送一个soap消息来指出要调用的操作及操作所需要的参数。
What we have done is to replace multiple factories such as the ejbhome and the jax - rpc service with a single factory that returns a local business delegate adapted for a specific distribution protocol 我们已经做的是用单个工厂替代了多重工厂(比如ejbhome和jax - rpc服务) ,这返回一个适用于特定分布协的本地业务代表。
You can see this from the fact that common jax - rpc service endpoint components such as javabeans and stateless session enterprise javabeans components do not maintain state information 您可以通过一些实际情况来了解无状态的含义,比如像javabean和无状态会话企业javabean组件之类的jax - rpc服务端点组件并不保持状态信息。